#MindfulMonday/#MindfulnessMonday/#MindfulMondayMantra: Yoga studios, life coaches, and other businesses related to mental health can use this one.
#MaxOutMonday/#MondayRunDay: Relevant for gyms, personal trainers, and fitness businesses.
#MixedGreenMondays: Applicable to health food stores, nutritionists, and restaurants.
#MondayOutfit: Best for clothing businesses and fashion boutiques.*
#MondayMood, #MondayVibes: Good for resonating with your audience, inviting them to engage, and appealing to their emotions.*
#MondayQuotes: Especially helpful for that often-needed morale and motivation boost at the beginning of the week.*
#MondayThoughts: A good way to share your opinions, perspectives, and insights that can personalize your brand.*
*These hashtags can be used for any day of the week.